Bresc B.V.

  • Pure flavors
  • Ease of use
  • Constant quality


Roasted garlic puree 325g

Roasted garlic puree 325g

Roasted garlic puree 325g

One of the many flavour sensations that garlic can produce. Roasting the bulb gives an ordinary bulb a whole new dimension in terms of texture and flavour. It is precisely the mildness that makes roasted garlic an extremely versatile ingredient for cold dishes such as spreads, sauces and creams. The subtle, slightly sweet flavour of this garlic puree will give many a dish a finishing touch.


Roasted garlic (72%), water, salt (3%), acid (citric acid), citrus fiber


This is how our customers have experienced Bresc

Restaurant Speulderbos Garderen
It's convenience, but pure, fair and honest convenience

In 2012, Arvid Hubers was appointed executive chef of Restaurant Speulderbos in Garderen, which is part of the Bilderberg Group's Hotel Speu ...

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JIM Exclusieve Catering Brielle
Bresc's products are good quality and easy to use

Founded in Brielle in 2004, Jim Exclusieve Catering is now a catering company that operates throughout the whole of the Netherlands. The cat ...

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